

Woman taking BELKYRA™ skin treatment Skinceuticals | Skinlogicottawa | Ottawa


We offer deoxycholic acid injections designed to enhance the appearance & profile of people who have a double chin. The process works by breaking down cells in fatty tissue. Find out more about deoxycholic acid and whether it’s right for you.

Woman taking Dermal Fillers | Skinlogicottawa | Ottawa

Dermal Fillers

Enhancing facial beauty with treatments that are designed to volumize and hydrate the skin, helping to improve issues such as wrinkles, sagging & much more.

signature-lower-face-contour | Skinlogicottawa | Ottawa

Signature Lower Face Contour

Looking for a more structured jawline?  The Skin Logic team can help.  By using specific techniques unique to the lower face anatomy and your features, the Skin Logic team can provide a more structured and defined jawline.


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